which jamaican has the most followers on instagram

top jamaican instagram influencers 2025

Most people use instagram to share images of what they live in their daily life or of an event that happens in their life … but have you ever wondered who has the most followed on instagram Jamaica in 2025 ? In the top 10 accounts we can find celebrities from any sector, from athletes, to film artists and socialites.

Below you can see who are the most followed jamaicans on instagram.

10.- @nibblezzzzz, Influencer.


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Una publicación compartida de Nibblezzzzz🍫🖤💜💓🔥 (@nibblezzzzz) el

9.- @yendizzle, TV Host.


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Una publicación compartida de Yendi [I AM] Amira Phillipps (@yendizzle) el

8.- @jamaicaobserver, Jamaica News.


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Una publicación compartida de Jamaica Observer (@jamaicaobserver) el

7.- @deno_crazy, Actor.


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Una publicación compartida de DENO CRAZY (@deno_crazy) el

6.- @prince_pine, Influencer.


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Una publicación compartida de Prince Pine (@prince_pine) el

5.- @romeichentertainment, Youtuber.


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Una publicación compartida de Romeich entertainment (@romeichentertainment) el

4.- @masickamusic, Singer.


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Una publicación compartida de 🥇Syde-Genahsyde. 4.3.8.🎯 (@masickamusic) el

3.- @shanzi.a, Influencer.


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Una publicación compartida de Shanice Allen🇯🇲 (@shanzi.a) el

2.- @tommyleesparta, Singer.


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Una publicación compartida de Tommy Lee Sparta (@tommyleesparta) el

1.- @famousamos_sofunny, Influencer.


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Una publicación compartida de 🗣 FAMOUS 🤣🕺🏾 (@famousamos_sofunny) el

Millions of instagrammers connect to their Instagram profiles monthly, For years, Instagram has become the preferred platform to follow all the news and trends throughout the world, already accumulating more than 1 billion active monthly users. And despite the irruption of TikTok, which has become strong among the younger audience, it is still the environment in which artists, athletes and celebrities of all kinds show their day to day, vacations or their latest projects. Some of these users also hold the record of having received the highest number of likes in the Instagram story in some of their published photos. Understanding which are the most followed profiles on Instagram Jamaica will be the first step to give a first idea of ​​what users follow on this platform (footballers, celebrities, youtubers and bloggers, mainly).